Monday, March 31, 2008

Muncie Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Online

The Muncie Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps are now available online in the Digital Media Repository:

The University Libraries copies of the maps from 1883-1911 were scanned to create the collection. Muncie maps from 1954 were not scanned, but they are available for viewing in the University Libraries Archives (Bracken Library Rm. 210). Microfilm copies of the Indiana maps are available in the University Libraries microform collection.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps were produced for insurance underwriters but they have become an invaluable historical record. Information on the maps includes building footprints color-coded by construction material, building use, house and block numbers, and measurements for buildings and streets.

Bracken Library has the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps on microfilm. Ask at the Periodicals/Reserves/Microforms desk for help finding and using microfilm. You can copy or scan images from the microfilm using the microform readers on 1 West in Bracken Library.

Select maps from other locations have also been digitized by libraries across the country. For example, the Indiana State Library scanned their 1887, 1897, and 1915 maps and made them available online at:

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