Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Interlibrary loan the EASY way

The easiest way to submit an interlibrary loan request? Make WorldCat and the article databases do most of the work for you!

When searching WorldCat, look for the “Request via interlibrary loan” link in the record for the book or other item.
If you are searching in an article database such as the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, the FindIt@BSU links will offer you a link to interlibrary loan as well.
What’s the advantage of using the links in WorldCat and other databases? Most of the information on the interlibrary loan request form will be filled out for you. No need to re-type the author, article title, journal title, page numbers, date, and so on.

If you do want to type out the request, you may log on to the University Libraries’ interlibrary loan system directly. You may also wish to log on and check the status of a request that has already been placed.

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