Monday, November 26, 2007

Student Work on Display in the Library

Visitors to the Architecture Library this fall will find on display: “To Picnic: Performing the Previous Use of a Space.” The photographs on view are the culmination of landscape architecture student Christopher Patten’s independent study with faculty advisor Cindy McHone.

Looking through the Sanborn Insurance maps on microfilm in Bracken Library, Patten discovered on the 1911 maps that a family home and backyard once occupied the site of what is now a defunct gas station in Muncie. Patten then set out to reenact the historic use of the site by staging photographs of a family picnic amidst the physical remnants of the gas station. Patten had in mind an audience of designers who might come to see that “[their] work is a stage along the process of that land's change.”

The Architecture Library offers several display areas with picture rails and hangers to accommodate two-dimensional works in a variety of sizes. Contact Amy Trendler, Architecture Librarian,, 765-285-5858, if you are interested in displaying work in the Architecture Library.



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