Friday, November 30, 2007

See What You Have Checked Out and Renew Items

Near the end of the semester many students and faculty are interested in getting a list of the books they have checked out from the library. With the Login feature of CardCat library users can see this list online and renew items.

Simply Login to CardCat with your BSU username and password and look for the “My Library Account” link in the blue bar.

Don’t forget, the University Libraries are open over the semester break December 15 – January 6 (see the Architecture Library web site for our hours during the break). Library items may be due during this period and late materials will incur overdue fees.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Student Work on Display in the Library

Visitors to the Architecture Library this fall will find on display: “To Picnic: Performing the Previous Use of a Space.” The photographs on view are the culmination of landscape architecture student Christopher Patten’s independent study with faculty advisor Cindy McHone.

Looking through the Sanborn Insurance maps on microfilm in Bracken Library, Patten discovered on the 1911 maps that a family home and backyard once occupied the site of what is now a defunct gas station in Muncie. Patten then set out to reenact the historic use of the site by staging photographs of a family picnic amidst the physical remnants of the gas station. Patten had in mind an audience of designers who might come to see that “[their] work is a stage along the process of that land's change.”

The Architecture Library offers several display areas with picture rails and hangers to accommodate two-dimensional works in a variety of sizes. Contact Amy Trendler, Architecture Librarian,, 765-285-5858, if you are interested in displaying work in the Architecture Library.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Arts & Humanities Citation Index in the Web of Science

Don’t be misled by the name! The Web of Science includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index as well as the Social Sciences Citation Index and the Science Citation Index. Ball State users have access to records from 1987 to the present in all 3 indices.

A record for an article in these indices will list both the works cited in the article and other works that cite the article. The "Find It @ BSU" links are available in the Web of Science, so you may also easily check to see if there is a copy of the article in the University Libraries, available online, or place an interlibrary loan request.

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Friday, November 2, 2007

The house--theme for November Featured Titles shelves

Houses are the subject of books on display this month.

Check out the books on the shelf, or search CardCat for subjects like these:

  • Architect-designed houses
  • Architecture, Domestic
  • Ecological houses
  • Historic houses, etc.
  • Housing
Looking for articles on houses? Check out the Avery Index or try America: History and Life. You'll find them listed on the Architecture Library's Datbases page.

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