Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MultiLink BSU replaces FindIt@BSU

MultiLink BSU buttons have replaced the FindIt@BSU buttons in the library's subscription databases. The MultiLink BSU buttons perform the same functions that the FindIt@BSU buttons did including:

  • a search for full text of the article in all of the library's subscription databases.
  • a search in CardCat for the print journal.
  • a link to an interlibrary loan form if the library does not have a print copy or online access to the full text article.

MultiLink BSU offers additional capabilities:

  • a search in CardCat by journal title or ISSN.
  • a search in WorldCat to determine if the journal is available in other area libraries.
  • a search in Google Scholar for the online full text of the article.

MultiLink BSU can be found in the same databases that FindIt@BSU appeared in, such as: