Thursday, September 27, 2007

New in the library: Palladio’s Villa Cornaro

The library’s copy of Andrea Palladio: Villa Cornaro in Piombino Dese edited by Branko Mitrovic and Stephen R. Wassell has just arrived. Published by the Acanthus Press, this volume is a detailed, documentary study of the villa. 14 large gatefold plates featuring plans of the villa are the highlight, but the photographs, data, and essays by the editors and others are also useful.

Call number: OVERSIZE NA1123.P2 A84 2006

Check CardCat to see if this title is checked out.
Login to CardCat if you would like to recall this title.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Search more than one EBSCO database at a time

Did you know you can search more than one database the library accesses through EBSCO at once? Simply click on the “Choose Databases” tab.

OR use the dropdown menu below the search boxes to select the databases you want to search.

Some of the databases the library accesses through EBSCO:

Academic Search Premier
Business Source Premier
(includes a number of urban planning titles)
Urban Studies Abstracts

See the entire list in EBSCO.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sustainability--theme for September Featured Titles shelf

On the Featured Titles shelf this month you'll find books on sustainbility and sustainable practices in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning. It's early in the semester, so all of the library's books on sustainability haven't been checked out yet!

Looking for a book that is checked out? Login to CardCat with your BSU username and password and you'll see a link to place a "Recall/Hold request" in the record for any book that has already been checked out. Look for the link in the left column of the record for the book, fill in the request, and you'll receive an email when the book is ready to be picked up at the circulation desk.

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